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Deer Park HOA Bylaw Change Proposals
On June 30th the Deer Park at Maple Run Owner's Association is having our annual meeting. Leading up to it, we'll be voting on some proposed changes to our bylaws. The language you'll see on the ballot can be confusing, so here's my attempt to explain the intent of the proposed amendments you'll be voting on.
1. Parking - remove the limit on number of cars you can park in your driveway, and just require that they be legally parked
2. Antennas - HOA's can't legally require pre-approval for outdoor antennas/satellite dishes, so we should remove that language from the Bylaws
3. Clotheslines - remove the rule against installing clotheslines, and instead include them in the normal ACC application process
4. Term - reduce the auto-renewal period of our rules from 10 years to 2 years, to better give homeowners control
5. Board Terms - the original Bylaws were set up so that the entire Board was never all up for re-election in the same year, but if that cycle gets broken (like it was recently), there's no way to currently fix it. We're proposing allowing the Board to restore that cycle if it ever gets broken again.
6. Pools - remove the rule against above-ground pools, and instead include them in the normal ACC application process

Overall, our goal is to put more power directly into the hands of homeowners. We've heard from many of you that the HOA should be fair and light-handed, so we're trying to do that.

While this is meant to help explain our thinking, remember that the ballot language is what you're actually voting on, and what will be filed with the State if adopted. If you have any questions or concerns, as always please reach out at and we can assist.

Chris Ostertag
President, Deer Park at Maple Run Owner's Association
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