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Fire Department issues fireworks warning
From the City of Austin Website:
Citizens should call 311, not 911 for fireworks complaints
AUSTIN, TX…With very little rain recently to speak of, New Year’s Eve is a worrisome one this year for area firefighters. The Austin Fire Department (AFD) is has issued a reminder to all citizens that fireworks are illegal within the Austin city limits. Each year, there are hundreds of brush, grass, and structure fires across the state started by fireworks, doing millions of dollars in damage and risking the lives of innocent bystanders. Nationally, there is an average of more than 10,000 injuries per year from fireworks, with 40 percent of those being children ages 10-14.
The sale and use of fireworks is banned entirely in Austin: it is illegal to possess fireworks within the City of Austin, and to use or sell fireworks within the City of Austin and within 5,000 feet outside the city limits. If you are caught, the fine can be up to $500. That may not seem like much but if your fireworks cause bodily harm and/or property damage, the Austin Fire Department can charge you with assault and/or arson, both felony crimes. Fireworks complaint calls should be made to the 311 system. Please remind citizens not to call 911 for fireworks complaints.


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