Deer Park Wins Settlement With Drivers Who Destroyed The Davis Lane Monument
As most of you know a portion of the Violet Crown Trail will be built on the greenbelt easement located between Deer Park and the Primrose School. Construction is presently scheduled to start this Spring.
The Violet Crown Trail Manager, Hill Country Conservancy, has advised Deer Park that it plans to construct, at its expense, a “trail head” where the trail will intersect with Davis Lane. That trail head will intersect with the current monument and split rail location. Hill Country Conservancy has asked that we coordinate the monument replacement and the split rail replacement with the construction of their trail head, so there neither party will incur any extra expense and all of the construction will be compatible. We have agreed to cooperate with them.
Accordingly, the settlement monies will be held in the Deer Park reserve account until the joint construction of the trail head at Davis Lane occurs later in the Spring.